Islamic printable PDF resources and activities for children available to our members. Free to join, no fees, ever.
Islamic beliefs
Laylatul Qadr explained.
Surah Ikhlas child-friendly Tafsir. Fall in love with this Surah and know your creator.
Surah Nas tafsir for children.
Why should I pray my Salah? A section of the popular Eliyas Explains book.
Taqwa explanation for kids. What it is and how to get it?
Eliyas Explains: Should I Ask Allah for £1 million?
Meeting Allah
The Miracle of Prophet Muhammad (saw) in the Cave with the Spider.
Allah loves easy going, cheerful people. A story!
Muslims don't celebrate Christmas? Why not?
The Power of Bismillah.
Muharram and Ashura for children.
Eliyas Explains: Why Does Allah Let Bad Things Happen? Understanding calamities, struggles, free will and tawakul.
Dhul-Hijjah and Hajj explained for children.
Character building
How to get something you really want (from Allah).
Comparing yourself to others.
Gratefulness in Islam for kids
Controlling anger
The Power of a smile
Eliyas Explains: What's Going on in Palestine.
Emotional and Spiritual Well-being
When someone calls you names. How to handle bullying.
The Power of Believing in Yourself.
Wanting (things).
Trust in Allah. Tawakul.
Forgiveness - forgiving others the Islamic perspective.
Bedtime with a guard from Allah - Ayatul Kursi
The 'IF ONLY, game.
Book related activity sheets to print

Download Mimi & Unicorn Get to Know Allah activities
Download All about Allah activity sheet
Download Mimi & Unicorn book cover colouring sheet